Biodigital Architecture
Text of
Alberto T. Estévez, “Biodigital Architecture”, in VV.AA., Computation: The new realm of
architectural design, pp. 681-686, Ed. eCAADe / Istanbul
Technical University - Faculty of Architecture / Yildiz Technical University -
Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, 2009
latest biological and digital technologies offer new possibilities and benefits
for the production of new architecture: There is vast potential in the natural
world if we work with DNA as though it were “natural software”, and in the
digital realm if we work with software as though it were “digital DNA”.
Pioneers in these fields converge in the Biodigital Architecture Master’s
Degree, with the Genetic Architectures Research Group and Ph.D. Programme at
the ESARQ (UIC), in Barcelona. The purpose of this article is to put forward
the theoretical basis and some of the research carried out to date.
is perhaps no coincidence that Barcelona —the city of Antoni Gaudí, also where
Salvador Dalí prophesied that genetics will change the future of architecture—
should have seen, from 2000, the real application of genetics to architecture;
with the creation of the world’s first genetic architecture laboratory and the
first digital production workshop at a Spanish school of architecture; with
the creation of the first research group and the first systematic post-graduate
programme on these subjects, the Biodigital Architecture Master’s Degree and
the Genetic Architectures Research group & Ph.D. Programme.
Work has begun on using
genetics to meet architectural objectives and on research into the use of new
digital technologies to produce architecture at the real scale. We can now see
the advantages of this genetic,
biodigital architecture made of materials that emerge, that “grow” of their own
accord, thanks to systems of natural or digital self-organization, when DNA and
software are the new materials of a new architecture, and when genetic and cybernetic
systems are the new systems of a new architecture. It is fascinating to
see the great potential of the natural world if we work with DNA as though it
were “natural software”, and the vast
possibilities of the digital world if we work with software as though it were “digital
DNA” (Estévez, 2003). Our field of interest is
biodigital architecture as the fusion of genetics and cybernetics, at a time
when new biological and digital technologies have given us the conditions for a
new architecture. In this sense, the following diagram is based on the above:
1. ©
Alberto T. Estévez, Diagram of the three
ages of architecture (Estévez, 2005).
This gives us two approaches
to the application of genetics to architecture, with different research objectives:
Figure 2. Left, © Alberto T. Estévez, Genetic Barcelona Project, Barcelona, 2003-2006: genetic creation of bioluminescent plants for
urban and domestic use. Right, photo of the UIC Genetic Architectures
Laboratory, Barcelona, 2008: genetic research with Agustí Fontarnau, to obtain
living elements, building materials and living spaces that can be useful to
architecture (photo: Alberto T. Estévez).
1. Genetic research
to obtain living elements, building materials and useful living spaces for architecture.
For example, we are now in the second phase of the genetic creation of bioluminescent plants for urban and domestic use (Estévez,
Autumn 2005; Estévez, 2007): illustrated with figure 2, the Genetic Barcelona Project of the Author, and with photos of
the UIC Genetic Architectures Laboratory, in Barcelona: the first time in history that
geneticists are working for architects. Research is being carried out into the
genetic control of growth to develop living cells that are converted into
building materials and habitable space that are “directed” by means of their
specific genetic design (figure 3), thereby producing architecture that is 100%
ecological, recyclable and sustainable, with maximum energy-saving throughout
the construction process and no need for manual labour, as its growth is
Figure 3. Left, photo
of the UIC Genetic Architectures Laboratory, Barcelona, 2008: genetic research with
Agustí Fontarnau, to obtain living elements, building materials and living
spaces that can be useful to architecture. Right, ©
Alberto T. Estévez (with Marina Serer), Ceci n’est pas un pavillon, Genetic
Barcelona Pavilion (detail),
Barcelona, 2007: soft, edible, genetic remodelling of the Mies van der Rohe’s
German Pavilion in Barcelona. (Photos: Alberto T. Estévez).
2. Work on digital
design and production seen as a genetic process. Knowing that “which can be
drawn can be constructed” (Estévez, 2008), because that
which can be drawn using digital tools has a digital DNA which allows automated
emergence, robotized self-construction and artificial growth. Using digital
technologies to produce not more models or moulds as is habitual in today’s
production systems [“No models, no moulds!” (Estévez, 2008)], but real architecture at
the natural scale of 1:1, from viewpoints of genetic architectures (figures 4,
5 and 6, of different projects). This is a move beyond the
mass production of uniform elements, since digital design and production can
equally produce 100 identical or 100 different parts.
Figure 4. Bernard Cache, Digital Barcelona Pavilion,
Barcelona, 2001: produced at the ESARQ (UIC) Digital Architecture Laboratory
(photo: Bernard Cache). Right, detail of panel (photo: Alberto T. Estévez)
Thus the two aspects of
research are being carried out simultaneously.
On the one hand, biotechnologies, architectural
objectives with the application of genetics, such as the author’s Genetic
Barcelona Project [(Estévez, Autumn 2005; Estévez, 2008), figure 2]. Or such as the Genetic Barcelona Pavilion, for a “soft, edible genetic remodelling of the Mies van der Rohe‘s German
Pavilion in Barcelona” (figure
3, detail): with the sentence Ceci n’est
pas un pavillon became the title of a “manifesto-project” or a
“manifesto-image”. The work forms part of research into genetic control of cell
growth, making living tissue grow as a building material. It was presented in
the exhibition “Bios 4: Biotechnological and Environmental Art”, CAAC Centro
Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville, 03.05.2007-02.09.2007.
On the other, digital technologies, CAD-CAM to directly
produce real architecture. As in the case of the Digital Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona, by Bernard Cache (figure 4): also
known as Pavilion of L’Orme, this was the first building to be completely
designed and produced using digital media. It was made in 2001 in the Digital
Architecture Laboratory of the ESARQ (UIC), with the collaboration of the
School’s lecturers and students. It was also presented in the exhibition “Architectures non standard”, at the
Centre Pompidou, Paris, 10.12.2003-01.03.2004). Or as in the
case of the G. Doctor’s Surgery, also in Barcelona, by the author (figure 5).
Figure 5. © Alberto T. Estévez. G.
Doctor’s Surgery, Barcelona, 2006: “No models, no moulds!”, CAD-CAM
technologies to directly produce real architecture at a natural scale of 1:1. From
left to right, respectively, project, drawings and finished product, of panels digitally
fabricated by the CNC machine of the Digital Architecture Laboratory of the
ESARQ (UIC). (Photos: Alberto T. Estévez / Drawings collaborators: Ernesto Bueno, Juan
Cardenal, Diego Navarro, Guillem Torres / CNC collaborators: Pablo Baquero, Affonso Orciuoli,
Daniel Wunsch).
This can be illustrated by
other cases of recent work in the research project and postgraduate course in
For example, the creation of
architecture by researching strategies using digital morphogenetics, or work
using genetic algorithms, mainly directed by Karl S. Chu. These, thanks to
graphic software and robotics become real architecture surfaces, volumes and
spaces: by experimenting with emergent forms using substitutive systems that
function on the basis of algorithms, creating patterns of data to which given
geometric equivalencies are applied, can translate as “proto-architectural”
forms (figure 6).

Alternatively, adopting
approaches closer to bionics, the Barcelona
Tensegrity Tower was designed, modelled in 3D and created digitally at real
scale and to a height of 10 metres (figure 6), directed by Dennis Dollens and produced in the Digital Architecture Laboratory, ESARQ
(UIC), Barcelona, 2008. This project brings together tensegrity with biology,
thanks to the cellular nature of the tower’s design, its irregular struts, all
differing according to the branching, enveloping logic of phyllotaxis. Further,
the morphological exploration of skins and membranes illustrates at which point
tensegrity becomes organic and where variation can be bio-mimetically
incorporated into the digital design. The project drew on a range of
references, from Ernst Haeckel’s historical drawings of radiolaria to
Buckminster Fuller’s structures.
Finally, with the example of
works presented here (figures 4, 5 and 6), the manifesto “No models, no moulds!”
by the author of this article sets out to move beyond the limited use —weighed
down by our immediate past— accorded to digital technology and exploit the
giant’s step it represents over present-day production systems (see above the
Diagram of the Three Ages of Architecture, figure 1). Its coherent utilization
and its vast potential make it a challenge for the future, with the realization
that the principal of these digital technological possibilities is to
manufacture real parts, at a scale of 1:1, architecture in themselves, that require
“no models, no moulds”.
ESTÉVEZ, Alberto T., “Genetic
architectures”, in ESTÉVEZ, Alberto T., et al., Genetic architectures,
SITES Books / ESARQ-UIC, Santa Fe (USA) / Barcelona, 2003, pp. 4-17
ESTÉVEZ, Alberto T., “Biomorphic
architecture”, in ESTÉVEZ, Alberto T., et al., Genetic architectures
II: digital tools and organic forms, SITES Books / ESARQ-UIC, Santa Fe
(USA) / Barcelona, 2005, pp. 18-53 and pp. 54-80 (
ESTÉVEZ, Alberto T., “Arquitectura
biodigital”, in VV.AA., Memorias del
Congreso, SIGRADI / CUJAE, Havana (Cuba), 2008, pp. 484-487.
ESTÉVEZ, Alberto T., “Genetic Barcelona Project”, Metalocus,
no. 017, Madrid, Autumn 2005, pp. 162-165.
ESTÉVEZ, Alberto T., “The
genetic creation of bioluminescent plants for urban and domestic use”, Leonardo,
vol. 40, no. 1, The MIT Press, San Francisco-California /
Cambridge-Massachusetts (USA), February 2007, pp. 18 and 46.
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